Meets 4th Tuesday of every month at 6:00pm at various locations
The Cove Area Shrine Club presently meets every month throughout the year except the months of June and July. In August, there is a stag night which is held at Shawnee Park in Roaring Spring, PA. The regular monthly meetings are held at 1-Homewood Retirement Center in Martinsburg. PA.
There are guest speakers at regular monthly meetings. Speakers for 2002 have included the state winners for the Central High School Vocational Agriculture Class, a speaker giving information on the local hospice programs, and a fellow Shriner, John Bolger, speaking on present day funeral traditions.
The May meeting was a kick-off for the Paper Crusade and patient recognition. There were four children present at that meeting who had been treated at Shriner’s Hospitals. Due to the interest this meeting generated, it was moved to the Roaring Spring Fire Hall to accommodate the Shrine members, their spouses, the guest children and their families, along with guest speakers. Some of the parents gave a presentation on the experiences and treatment that their children and their families went through during their hospitalization and outpatient treatment. There were over 100 members, guests and speakers at the May meeting.
Of special interest was a presentation by Steve Dileo, a karate instructor for one of the children, who spoke of the determination of his student to obtain his black belt.
Also recognized during the evening was Richard Butler, who achieved highest circus ad sales for the past year and generated income for the Cove Shrine Club. This was an achievement, which Mr. Butler has had in previous years.