Meets Wednesday after the 2nd Tuesday at 7:00pm
The Jaffa Motor Corps had its beginning in August of 1974, which began as an idea of Nobles Carl Shaw, Glenn Houser, and Joe Robinson. While attending the 1974 Mid-Atlantic Shrine Association Convention in Atlantic City, NJ; they observed other Motor Corps units, and thought it would be a good idea if possibly Jaffa Temple had one, also.
A letter was written to Potentate James V. Meadows requesting permission to organize and be granted a charter under the name of the Jaffa Temple Motor Corps. This request was approved in October of 1974.
The Johnson Halloween Parade in October 1974 was the first parade in which the newly formed unit participated. They had at that time 3 mini-cars, and several weeks later had increased their mini-car population to 14, and 14 cars appeared in the Altoona Christmas Parade. The original 3 cars had come from a manufacturer in St. Louis, MO. However, Noble Shaw learned of a fellow in Greencastle, PA that was making them and all future cars were then purchased from him.
The first Motor Corps Officers elected at their December 1974 meeting for the year 1975 were:
President: Carl Shaw
Vice President: Ray Cochran
Secretary/Treasurer: Glenn Houser
From the beginning with approximately 12 members, the Motor Corps has grown to approximately 70 active members, and approximately 15 Emeritus members (inactive). The Motor Corps still parades with some of the original mini-cars (Tin Lizzie cars, Tin Lizzie fire trucks, Tin Lizzie wreckers, and 2 Stutz Bearcats), and recently added ’32 Roadsters to their rosters. All of the vehicles are owned and maintained by each of the Motor Corps members at his own expense. Each Motor Corps member also purchased and maintains his uniform at his own expense. The Motor Corps members live throughout Jaffa’s geographical area from Clinton County, to Bedford County, to Huntingdon County, to Cambria County, and Blair County.
After more than 25 years, they can still be seen parading through Central Pennsylvania; entertaining kid’s both young and old. The Motor Corps averages 25 parades a year from April through December. In addition to parading, the Motor Corps also volunteers its time to work the concession stands during the Circus, selling tickets at the front door for the Sports Show, and pass out tabloids during the Jaffa’s Annual Hospital Crusade.